Thursday, January 9, 2014

Language Arts

Since we have the reading, writing, spelling, vocabulary etc. all mixed together, I'm just including them all in one post. So far, this is what we're doing.

a. Doing one lesson out of Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons.

b. Writing a daily "note" to Dad in a kindergarten notebook with lines and dashes. Patrick reads them every evening and writes a sentence back for Mario (5) to read. I bought a book for Sprecher (3) because he didn't want to be left out. He dictates a sentence to me and I write it for him. There was some debate about whether or not to have Mario spell correctly, but we decided not to stress about it. I help him sound out the word and if he uses a 'c' in place of a 'k' all the better to see his improvement in a year or two. This way he's practicing sounding out words and he's getting fine motor practice.

c. Have Mario read some out of a book daily. We've liked Elephant & Piggie books for this purpose as well as Pete the Cat books.

d. Read several to the kids. Based on a suggestion in What Every Kindergartener Needs to Know, I've been focusing on nursery rhymes, poems, and fairy tales especially. The fairy tales have been tied in with social studies because I tried to choose a story from the continent we're learning about. For the second time I checked out Poems to Learn by Heart by Caroline Kennedy from the library. I really like it. The kids have seemed to enjoy "The Cremation of Sam McGee" and "Casey at the Bat" as well as "Casey's Revenge." We don't stress about reading every poem. We just pick out ones here and there. And we don't read poetry every day.

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