Monday, January 6, 2014

Goals for Sprecher (preschool)

Sprecher just turned three in November. I'm not in a rush to "school" him, but he's anxious to do school with his brother. During Mario's three-year-old year, he was participating in Joy School with a group of our friends. I taught about once a month, two times a week. The other weeks he was at the home of his friends with their mothers teaching. I don't have that option for Sprecher, and now, even if I did, I wouldn't use it because part of the pleasure of homeschooling at this stage is the simplicity of it -- particularly, not driving kids all over the place constantly. Still, I like the Joy School principles and I want to introduce them to Sprecher (and I would be happy to reinforce them with Mario too), so I'm including a Joy School discussion in our daily schedule. Also, Sprecher doesn't know pre-k things that Mario knew at the same age, so I'd like to work on that with him.

So here are my goals for Sprecher for this next semester:

Language Arts
-- learn to recognize the letters of the alphabet
-- start introducing the sounds of the letters
-- read together voraciously

-- work on getting a firm grasp of shapes (circle, rectangle, square, triangle, oval)
-- talk about same/different
-- start introducing the concept of patterns
-- start getting him familiar with numbers

-- Keep an interest notebook with things we are curious about or interesting things we notice.

Fine Arts
-- Have fun making music and making art.

Active Play
-- Get exercise.
-- Be able to move while learning.

-- Introduce the Joy School values he's learned before.
-- Introduce him to stories from the last General Conference that can reinforce his faith.
-- Get together with other children to play.

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