Thursday, January 2, 2014

Goals for Mario (K4)

Mario's birthday is just after the year cut-off, so this year we put him in 4k. While his teacher was great, I hated the chaos of getting him there and back. I also hated missing the best part of his day. Besides, I felt I was teaching him the new material he was interested in more than the teacher and I felt it made more sense to just use my time more advantageously for all of us.

I am sure this will change and be modified as I learn more about what he can do already, but here is my current list of goals for Mario for the rest of this school year while he's home with me:

Language Arts
1. Complete Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons 
(Note: This is primarily a goal already because he started reading on his own and it helped give me guidance in teaching him what he was already eager and ready to learn.)
2. Read together voraciously
(fairy tales, poems, etc.)
3. Begin getting him to read to me
4. Practice writing (Keep a "notebook" to write a sentence everyday back and forth with Dad.)

1. Practice patterns.
2. Practice writing numbers 1- 10
3. Make sure he knows numbers 1 - 10 (I think he already does)
4. Practice simple addition.
5. Practice simple subtraction.
6. Practice categorizing in groups (same, different, etc.)

1. Look at a globe.
2. Look at different kinds of maps.
3. Learn the 7 different continents.
4. Learn the oceans.
5. Get a basic introduction to each of the continents.
6. Start looking at books about ancient history.

1. Keep an interest notebook with things we are curious about or interesting things we notice.
2. Look for books on those subjects at the library.
3. Do simple science experiments. Write down things we learned or observed.

Fine Arts
1. Learn about some famous artists and musicians.
2. Become familiar with some of their work
3. Have fun making music and making art.

Active Play
1. Get exercise.
2. Be able to move while learning.
3. Learn to pedal.

1. Reinforce the Joy School values he's learned before.
2. Introduce him to stories from the last General Conference that can reinforce his faith.
3. Get together with other children to play.


  1. Your mom linked this on her FB so I had to come check it out! I am Michael Christiansen's wife, just so you know ;) Anyway, I intend to homeschool our kids. Our son will be four on Wednesday, and our daughter will be two in March. I realized that our little guy is now preschool age, so I need to focus on "school" a bit more. How old are your kids?

  2. Yes! I know who you are! My mom likes you a lot and I've seen your comments on her Facebook page occasionally. My three kids are 5, 3, and almost 1. Before doing public school's 4k program, we did Joy School for two years for my oldest son. I really like the principles in it and plan to use it even while we're moving towards more schooly-school (especially because my 3-three-old will be participating and trying "doing school" with us too). I would totally recommend it. Even if you don't have a group to do Joy School with, the principles are just a great guideline for teaching your own kids. The Eyre's Joy School program is available at All of their books are available for free at If you look at #8, that one talks about the principles that Joy School is founded on. Anyway, it might be something you're interested in checking out. I've read a number of things by them and heard the mother and one of their daughters speak. I really admire what they represent and what they're trying to share. (My favorite book by them is listed as #45, although it doesn't look like it's up yet. My dad got it as a gift for me for some holiday, and it's really an great spiritual, practical book full of ideas and full of encouragement to listen to the Holy Ghost and trust in the principles of the Gospel.)

    Anyway, now that I'm stepping into more formal school, I'm reading The Well-Trained Mind, which I really like, so I feel like I'm now becoming a "Wise-groupie" as well as being an "Eyre-groupie."

  3. Thanks for the info, I'll definitely go check out Joy School stuff! :D
